Former Gold Bar Mayor Declares "War" on Open Government

It seems a particularly bizarre former mayor of the town of Gold Bar is now declaring war on Open Government advocates blaming them because he has bankrupted the town by not complying with the Public Records Act.
This is why we have to keep a careful eye on these kinds of people, it is also why we need to utilize the public records act any chance we get.
Toby Nixon - I found out yesterday that the former mayor of Gold... 2015-09-20 03-58-24
Going after someone of Toby Nixon’s stature is insane at best. Especially when Mr Nixon has done everything humanly possible to advocate for the Public Records Act and to remain neutral.
I don’t know what threw him over the edge but I suspect that it was the plethera of awards Ms Block received this Friday at the Open Govt Coalition Breakfast. If legitimate agencies are awarding her hard work and efforts it will be so much harder for the cronies in SnoCo to convince everyone she’s the problem. Newsflash: Everyone already knew that.

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