Tuesday morning I was coming home from work and noticed what I thought was a car on fire. Just glad I wasn’t going that direction…
Ron Gipson Another "Truth Challenged" Elected Official
Well King 5 gave this guy an audience: Maybe just to entertain themselves or their viewers. Everett council member addresses sexual harassment allegations The investigation…
Ron Gipson Another “Truth Challenged” Elected Official
Well King 5 gave this guy an audience: Maybe just to entertain themselves or their viewers. Everett council member addresses sexual harassment allegations The investigation…
Guest Editorial: The Cost of the County Employment Investigations
I look at the Snohomish County Council agendas regularly. Why? Because it can give you insight as to what is going on in your government…
Barack Obama Needs My Five Dollars
Well that’s what the (DCCC) Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee keeps telling me: I guess impersonating the President of the United States is worth 5 bucks…
This is Why Some People Should Be Fixed
I was cruising Craigslist yesterday (Why does no one ever try to stop me????) looking at the part time jobs they had available and I…
Govern~Mental Meltdown on Finances in Snohomish County
According to Snohomish County Council we have money to hire people Oh wait we don’t have money to hire people The sky is falling we…
How to Get Public Records
As some may have noticed I haven’t published as many stories as of late. It is because I am going through 100’s of 1000’s of…
Seattle IRS Revenue Agent Charged with Soliciting and Accepting Bribe Allegedly Asked Marijuana Business Owner for Money During Audit
Allegedly Asked Marijuana Business Owner for Money During Audit U.S. Attorney’s Office September 21, 2015 A Revenue Agent for the Internal Revenue Service was arrested…
Now We Know Why the County Clerks Are Struggling
Seems the level of bullying that has gone on in Snohomish County started the moment that Mark Ericks walked through the door. Re: SCCA Contract…
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