Local Activist Enters Race for Washington State Representative 26th District

Although this is not in our local Snohomish County Jurisdiction I still find it hopeful when the average citizen throws their hat into the ring…

This guy has been kicked 7 ways til Sunday but he still manages to get up 8 times. With any luck we’ll get a few candidates like this to help straighten out our mess up here.

This is the Press Release from his site

Bill Scheidler, an activist fighting for citizens’ constitutional rights, has entered the race for District 26, State Representative. Scheidler has a 17-year track record in fighting corrupt government officials which include filing initiatives to the people and to the legislature, filing criminal complaints against lawyers and judges, intervening in lawsuits in matters of public importance, and lobbying legislators to take action against corrupt officials. Scheidler faces Jesse Young(R), Larry Seaquist(D) and Alex Matias(D).

Scheidler’s Candidate Submission lists the following information.

Jurisdiction Name: Legislative District 26
Office Name: State Representative Pos. 1
Candidate Name: Bill Scheidler
Campaign Phone (360) 7698531
Campaign Email billscheidler@outlook.com
Campaign Website www.corruptwash.com

Bill Scheidler, Candidate for Representative, 26th District

Bill Scheidler, Candidate for Representative, 26th District

Elected Experience: No information submittedOther Professional Experience: Activist and writer for www.CorruptWash.com. Working 12/24/7 to reclaim our rights that have been given away by corrupt lawyers and taken away by corrupt judges.Interim Enviornmental Laboratory Director and onsite contract manager for The Bionetics Corporation/EPA at Manchester, WA; Supervisory Chemist, GS 12, Department of the Army, Tooele, UT. Managed 35-person staffs, from technician to PhD Chemists, and $1M+ budgets in state-of-the-art laboratory testing/analysis.

Education: B.S. Chemistry. DeSales University. 1979.
Community Service: Citizen member of South Kitsap School District Budge
Committee. Circa year 2000.
Statement: Washington State government is dishonest; and it is costing
taxpayer’s billions of dollars every year. Every day our elected officials turn a
blind eye to this corruption, they betray our trust!
At the core of our corrupt government are lawyers. As a first priority I will insure
citizens regulate lawyers and judges – ending their gravy train at citizens’
expense. Lawyers are supposed to cleanup corruption, not cause it, hide it, or
profit from it! For 17 years I have worked 12/24/7, without pay, holidays off, or
vacations, fighting corruption in government; see www.corruptwash.com.

Scheidler’s positions on major issues are found at his Web Site


Scheidler lists the following initiatives he sponsored to the people and to the legislature.

http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_586.pdf “Judicial overreaching”
http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_585.pdf “Repeal of immunities, which are prohibited by Article 1, Sec 12”.
http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_1075.pdf The REMOVAL of Kitsap Superior Court Judge Kevin Hull for malfeasance/misfeasance in office.
http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_747.pdf “A Corruption Tax”
http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_746.pdf “Separation of Powers”
http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_742.pdf “Right to a Jury Trial as Article 1 Sec 21 mandates but are denied by judges”

As an activist Scheidler has been using every tool in a citizen’s tool box to address government corruption. However the stranglehold by the ‘good-ol-boy’ network has been a roadblock to any meaningful success.

Scheidler lists all that he has tried to do for citizens, only to be prevented by the very officials that swear to protect citizens’ rights.