CORRECTION: We had earlier reported that Peter Camp did not have a law degree. The error came after I had read over 4000 emails, somehow I transposed the name in the WSBA search engine. He is in fact licensed to practice law since 1984 which makes his snide little comments somehow even more egregious. He really should know better then most but it is indicative of how the county govt views us, almost a perfect illustration in fact.
We received a partial installment of a public records request and we horrified at what we found.
I think we all remember that classic fail when Lovick tried to infer that Dave Somers had made an inappropriate comment regarding the Tulalip Tribes. The Tribe wanted nothing to do with it, and they said so publicly.
It also gave us voters an insight as to who the Herald endorsed since they ran the story front page to try to discredit Somers.
If either the Herald or Lovick had any knowledge about the tribe they would’ve laughed as hard as I did when I read their story, and since the Tulalip Tribes are one of their biggest advertisers, you would think they would’ve gotten the Tulalip Tribes’ side of the story.
They sure fixed it quickedly split as soon as the tribe got upset though.
The problem with SnoCo to date is that the voters thought when Reardon made his disgraceful exit that things would get better but they have gotten far far worse.
Lovick had the chance to come in, sweep out all the left over Reardon trash and start brand new but he was put in place along with Ericks to make sure that all the backdoor deals Reardon’s office had started or were involved in stayed safe.
So somehow a Reardon flunkie named Peter Camp ended up becoming an administrative land use judge. For reasons we haven’t figured out yet, Mark Ericks, Peter Camp and Clay White seem to be running the land use permits, decisions and hearings when we clearly have a dept that covers it.
I was going through the records and seeing Ericks and Camp were mocking someone:
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id 14.03.0158.001; Tue, 10 Sep 2013 16:42:52 -0700
From: “Camp, Peter”
Sender: “Camp, Peter”
To: “Ericks, Mark”
References: <> <> <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: RE: Nelson Property at Priest Point
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 16:42:51 -0700
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I thought she was referring to Teddy Roosevelt, the Rough Riders, and =
San Juan Hill . . .
Peter Camp
Executive’s Office
All emails and attachments sent to or from Snohomish County are public =
records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public Records =
Act (RCW Chap. 42.56).
—–Original Message—–
From: Ericks, Mark=20
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 4:28 PM
To: Camp, Peter
Subject: RE: Nelson Property at Priest Point
“a hill to die on” – really?
Mark L. Ericks
Deputy County Executive
Snohomish County, WA
D: (425) 388-3695
C: (425) 238-4500
Notice: All emails and attachments sent to and from Snohomish County are =
public records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to The Public =
Records Act RCW 42.56.
—–Original Message—–
From: Camp, Peter=20
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:02 PM
To: Ericks, Mark
Subject: FW: Nelson Property at Priest Point
I suggest PDS brief you and John.
Peter Camp
Executive’s Office
All emails and attachments sent to or from Snohomish County are public =
records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public Records =
Act (RCW Chap. 42.56).
—–Original Message—–
From: Mock, Barb=20
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:51 PM
To: Camp, Peter
Subject: FW: Nelson Property at Priest Point
—–Original Message—–
From: Patti Gobin []
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:42 PM
To: Mock, Barb
Subject: Nelson Property at Priest Point
Hi Barb…Help!
Hope to talk soon…
An entire team including legal are looking at Snohomish County allowing =
ground disturbance where the Tribe has clearly voiced numerous times and =
opposing with serious concern regarding shoreline impact, environmental =
impact, and archeological impacts…even questioning tidelands =
issue…treaty issues…whom would I contact re this on behalf of the =
Tribe now that Christopher is gone?
This is clearly ground disturbing of a pocket estuary…a spawning =
ground for salmon…clearly a treaty concern and violation.
How do we stop this from becoming a hill to die on?
12-106204-000-00SM Shoreline Management. Pending 13-11037-000-00-CT =
Complaint. Closed
Thanks Barb…meaningful consultation creates a win/win for all…Patti
[pdf-embedder url=””]
The question remains as to why they felt it was appropriate to mock a tribal official in a public record, but when the tribe is handing out money these ingrates are first in line with their hands out and their tails wagging.
It is unclear who the tribes are endorsing for county executive or if they even endorse any candidates but I don’t think emails like this will help Lovick’s cause.
It is crystal clear that Lovick is absolutely out of control of his own “administration” or he just doesn’t care how they act, what they say and most certainly what they do…
It would be wise of the tribes to take a close look at who is actually endorsing John Lovick and be very watchful