Seattle Area Feline April News… It’s Kitten Season Again
Featured Adoptable: Tin Tin | GiveBIG May 3rd |
3 Myths about Adoption | Kitten Season | Warm Fuzzy Tale: Finley
“I’ve watched so many other kitties find homes, but I’m still waiting for my turn. Will you pick me to be your buddy? I promise to love you forever!”
Tin Tin is a sweet 3 year old tuxedo kitty. He can get overwhelmed when lots of people visit the rescue, but one-on-one he’s very cuddly. He will purr and lean into your hand if you pet him, and he loves chin scratches.
Tin Tin is a handsome boy, too. He is dressed up and ready to go home in his tuxedo, and the little white dot on his chin is irresistably cute!
To see profiles of Tin Tin and the other rescue kitties, and to learn more about adopting, visit
This year, we need your help again so that we can rescue more homeless cats and kittens!
GiveBIG is almost here, and the kitties are relying on our community to make this event a success for them.
On Tuesday May 3rd, GiveBIG day, The Seattle Foundation will match a portion of all donations made to the rescue, meaning that your gift will go farther and help more felines. Please mark your calendars for the kitties who need us… together we can save lives!
Have you ever heard someone say “I would never adopt a rescue animal” or “Rescue animals don’t make good pets”? Unfortunately, some negative misconceptions about adoption cause animals to miss out on potential homes—and people to miss out on the chance to enjoy the companionship of a rescued friend.Our latest blog post takes on the 3 most common myths about rescue animals and explores what the facts really are. Visit our blog to learn more.
Thank you for being part of the recue community and understanding the real truth: that adopted animals can make wonderful, loving family members!

Last week we took in a litter
of newborns so tiny they could all fit into the palm of your hand. The Good Samaritan who found them kept looking until she found the momma kitty, too, and then we reunited Momma with her babies. The feline family is now in foster care until the little ones are big enough for homes of their own (usually about 3 months).
By the beginning of June, you can expect to see more of the young little furry faces at the Adoption Center looking for homes!
When Finley first came to the rescue, he wasn’t quite sure whether it was safe to trust humans. Regular feedings, pets, and comfy beds were a relief after his hard life on the streets. But vet exams and treatments for his ear (which had been injured while he was a stray) left him feeling anxious. He would purr hopefully at volunteers, then hiss and retreat in fear.
Once his painful ear started to heal, it was like a light bulb went off. At last, Finley realized that everyone was here to help him and he really was safe. His transformation was clear to see as he relaxed, sought out attention, and became a volunteer favorite.
Finley was ready for a loving home, and he didn’t have to wait long. He captured the heart of one of the rescue volunteers, who gave him his forever home. Now he spends his days napping on the couch, keeping his humans company, and playing with his new kitty friend Peanut.
Kitty portraits thanks to K.A.Moore Photography.