Blehhhhh I Can't Control Another Newspaper

Over the weekend I was somewhat inundated with emails over the fact that the “other paper” was cutting off it’s comments section…
First off: Not my paper, I can’t tell them what to do. If I could they would be reporting all of the news, not just doing PR for the cities and county and I wouldn’t have to write this newspaper.
Second off: Do you remember High School? The dramatic girl who always said she was leaving so everyone would say “don’t go”, most of the time she never even got up and left the table. So they run a story that they are cutting off comments but leave the comments section open… Kind of like threatening to go on a diet when your eating an entire chocolate cake.
They haven’t had that many comments in years so actually it was brilliant and very tabloid but it’s working for them so let them be and let them have it.
I don’t mean to be cross with anyone but I am working on 5 big stories and I don’t have an entire staff so it’s just me trying to get it all done.
Besides that I wouldn’t worry about it too much, probably by sometime this week they’ll run another story stating that “the response was so overwhelming that they decided against cutting off the comments”

Happy Monday everyone and don’t worry, either way it is amusing:

Smile dangit, it’s Monday!
